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Kryptel 6.2.3 Description:
Anything can be stolen, and computer data is not an exception. While it is very hard to make theft impossible, it is much simpler to make it useless. Encryption guarantees that even if the hacker managed to steal your data, it will not do him any good. Good encryption software is a must wherever there are any data worth protection, and if you do need to protect your data, Kryptel is what you are after. It is an easy-to-use no-hassle solution even a new computer user will be comfortable with. You want to encrypt a file? Just drag it to the Kryptel icon, and Kryptel will do the rest. But easy-to-use does not mean insecure. Kryptel is serious encryption software based on strong cryptography algorithms. It includes several top-grade ciphers including Advanced Encryption Standard, and follows DoD recommendations for secure data deletion. Even if encrypting the file took only one mouse click, the file is secure. More experienced users can perform more complex tasks using advanced Kryptel features such as encrypted backups and encrypted filesets. Kryptel can search, filter, and encrypt huge sets of files with just one mouse click. Fully featured command line interface lets user create batch files to be used in automated data processing. All in all, Kryptel is an excellent choice for file encryption and encrypted data backup. Free unlimited trial is available at

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