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ProfLT 10.4 Description:
Main features of ProfLT:

* generating profiles using 2D polylines with points, 3D polylines or the 3D model;
* automatic generation of longitudinal and cross profiles using the point codes;
* automatic drawing of points from coordinate files;
* automatic joining of lateral points of the longitudinal profiles axis;
* functions for modifying profiles, for joining and disconnecting them, for recalculation of orientation and reversing the profile;
* predefined templates for various longitudinal and cross profile types (roads, high voltage electrical lines, sewage and water lines);
* the possibility to save a new template for a custom transversal or cross profile;
* the program options cover a wide variety of situations related to the profile generating and drawing modes, the profile rows can be arranged according to the job specification, the format for the sheets with the longitudinal and cross profiles can be chosen, etc.
* preview the profiles before drawing;
* quick drawing of longitudinal and cross profiles;
* creating the page layout and arranging the profiles depending on the type of printer selected;
* calculating height of platfom and drawing the labels of plaform heights;
* exporting the profiles in specific Micropiste or SdrMap files;
* the program is available in English and Romanian languages.

Starting with 9.0 version the program was developed to work on AutoCAD or IntelliCAD in order to take advantage of the features offered by the CAD software.

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