Eidos Diet Future of Mediterranean Diet 1.0
Short Description: Eidos diet a lifestyle alternative with a healthy eating and good nutrition.
Last Updated: 1/23/2019 | File Size: 3405 KB | Price: $4.99 | Downloads: 946 | Developer:
Eidos-Project.net |
OS: Android,Linux,Mac OS X,Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinMo... |
Eidos Diet Future of Mediterranean Diet 1.0
Description: |
"Eidos Diet, the Diet of the Future of the Mediterranean Diet", is aimed at all who are seeking a lifestyle alternative with a healthy eating. In this book you will find useful information for having a healthy and good nutrition that will benefit your health. Also you will find information about functional foods with nutraceutical properties, recommendations about how to prepare some food in better ways, healthy recipes and some examples of healthy and beneficial diets for the health with the foods and calories distribution during the day. The Eidos diet is based on the Mediterranean diet and scientifically based eating patterns, as well as on the principle that food must confer benefits that promote health and prevent and reverse diseases. This diet emphasizes the consumption of foods with nutraceutical properties that can benefit our health in different ways and help us to prevent a wide range of diseases helping people with all kind of health condition. It is a good diet for lowering the cholesterol, helping people with diabetes, treating obesity and weight loss without put the health at risk. People with cancer can benefit from this diet, which also will make the treatments they are following more effective. Ill people can have a better lifestyle and depending of the type and the stage of the cancer, the disease can be reverted. People with some health condition that started with the Eidos diet, can reduce their medication intake and their health condition will improve greatly. |
Eidos Diet Future of Mediterranean Diet 1.0
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